‘OLI is a very high quality AI developed to suit professionals in the dental world. Unlike generic solutions, it has been trained with content produced exclusively by experts representing each oral health speciality. These specialists have supervised the learning of the generative AI models, and will continue to do so as OLI improves on a daily basis. This AI assistant is the operational illustration of the Biotech Dental group’s vision for artificial intelligence: serving dental professionals and patients, ethical, developed and deployed in the most eco-responsible conditions possible, with models, calculations and data hosting that consume as little energy as possible’.
OLI is a unique conversational agent based on generative AI developed by a team of AI experts using content produced by professionals from the dental world. The learning process was supervised over several months by a panel of experts representing the technical, scientific and commercial issues in dentistry.
Optimized Learning Intelligence – OLI
The world’s first AI assistant trained by and for oral health professionals!

Professor Olivier OULLIER, Chairman of the Institute for Artificial Intelligence by Biotech Dental (IAI by BD).