The Biotech Dental Group is truly committed to providing high quality services and turn its vision into concrete actions and sustainable measures.


Thanks to a 100% French manufacturing from our own production tools, Biotech Dental is committed to a high quality and traceability approach.

Our purpose is to offer reliable and durable products meeting patients and practitioners requirements. A national commitment to promote French know-how and develop employment in a region that is dear to us.

Our entire range of implants is manufactured in Scionzier, our factory located in Haute-Savoie, France. A production site dedicated to a perfect control of the entire implant production cycle.

Our Smilers® aligners are also exclusively produced in France, more precisely in our factory in Salon-de-Provence. More than 3,500sq. m of high technology designed for a transparent production!


The Biotech Dental Group is very attached to French know-how and French industrial excellence, and certifies that its products (dental implants, Smilers® transparent aligners, custom-made prosthetic parts) are 100% French-made. Through this “Origine France Garantie” commitment, the group’s objectives are:

Providing dentists and dental laboratories with reliable information on the origin and traceability of products

Promoting transparency regarding the origin and identification of Biotech Dental products and services

Promoting French know-how around the world

It is the only recognised label that certifies the French origin of a product and the value of industrial and artisanal know-how. It is indisputable and concerns all sectors of activity (certification carried out by an independent body). Biotech Dental is the only manufacturer with comprehensive offerings in the dental field (implant solutions, made-to-measure prostheses and orthodontic aligners) to benefit from this label and guarantee the French origin of its products through official certification.

Biotech Dental is certified by the Notified Body GMED for medical devices no.0459. This marking is the guarantee that the products marketed by Biotech Dental meet the European standards of manufacturing, traceability, safety, labelling and packaging. Carried out in the Arve Valley (Rhône-Alpes), the manufacturing process of the implantology products is ensured by specialists in the machining of dental implants.


Our actions are focused on  to satisfy and anticipate the needs of our customers and partners. Biotech Dental’s first commitment is to support and serve healthcare professionals and all those who use our products and solutions. As a leader in our industry, we use all of our resources, both human and technological, to design and distribute our products with the greatest efficiency, while respecting the strictest regulatory quality standards.

A permanent quest for excellence can also be seen in Biotech Dental’s involvement in numerous development actions within an ecosystem that favors the industry in France.

The label of French technologies of excellence

The growth program of future large French companies

Pour entrer, merci de confirmer que vous êtes un professionnel de santé